Curiouser and Curiouser

Oh but Alice, Why should you go back to yesterday?
You were a different person then.

I am Alice and I tumbled down the rabbit hole,
I was following the White Rabbit with his clock and waistcoat.

The hot summer day was languid and the book a real pain,
And if you ask, its much too taxing to make a daisy chain.

I heard the rabbit hurry, and I watched him rush and tumble,
Without a thought I followed him and that’s where I fumbled.

I fell down a deep dark hole, and came across a door,
But being too small or being too tall, I wept upon the floor.

Little did I know this was Wonderland, and often strange things happen,
A drink, a cake, and telescopic contraction, I no longer know who I am.

I swim in a pool of my own tears, meeting mice and magpies and more,
We dry off with a Caucus race, but I offended everyone, oh no!

The White Rabbit finds me and addresses me as his maid,
But I grow larger, and soon enough, and audience gathered around the gate.

Size and mind with so much change, nothing is what it was,
A huge puppy, and woods and mushrooms, nothing is what it is.

A hookah smoking caterpillar, with a mushroom for his throne.
Questions me endlessly, asking me the purpose of my soul.

There’s a house with a Duchess, and a pig for a baby,
And on the rug is the Chesire cat, with a grin emanating insanity.

I run to the woods with the pig baby in hand, to find the cat again,
And he says to me, “We’re all mad here,” and adds “Darling why refrain?”

I see the tea party, the Mad Hatter and March Hare,
The dormouse snoozes gently, indeed bonkers an affair.

The taught me about Time, and how He is cross,
And as I ran I looked back, to see the dormouse being stuffed into a pot.

I run till I find a door in a tree, and enter it in haste,
I see a garden with white rose trees, being covered in red paint.

That’s when I see the Club soldiers, Diamond courtiers and Queen of Hearts,
They all want a game of croquet, the queen eager to start.

It was the queerest of the queer, with no law and order,
The mallets were flamingoes, and the arches made of soldiers.

The Chesire cat appears, his lunatic grin preceding him,
As usual next is the Queen’s favourite- a bit of beheading.

The Duchess escapes prison and walks with me hand in hand,
But the Queen finds her too soon, and banishes her from land.

The Gryphon then takes me to the Mock Turtle, to hear his sad sad tale,
Then we leave to witness a trial, after learning the Lobster Quadrille.

I see the Knave of Hearts, who stole the tarts, all bound up in chains,
They call upon the Mad Hatter, the Duchess’ cook - but in vain.

That’s when I hear my name, resonate through the hall,
And in my hurry, I knocked off the whole jury, for I was a hundred feet tall.

There’s no evidence whatsoever, in this court of creatures and cards,
”Off with her head,” shouted the Queen, ignoring the lack of facts.

“You’re all just cards!” I shouted, as they fell on me in a heap,
I slapped them off only to know, I was brushing off leaves.

There goes my Wonderland, as I lay lost and forlorn,
And I realise how lonely I am in a world of my own.


It's Been A Beautiful Fight


Oh how we lost everything