I could forget, or could remember

It was my call-

Wipe away the memories.

Every loving touch,

My tiny hand holding on to your finger

Your hand stroking my head,

The consuming embrace

The warmth, the tenderness, the affection,

The smile, as your hand enveloped mine

Your steady heartbeat---

That I no longer heard

The memories had faded, time had wiped away grief.

There was now an empty space, where you used to be.

You had moved on---to a higher plane

Too celestial to comprehend.

You lay among the souls, you had gone: Onwards

I was mundane, you were spiritual.

You were no longer bound by fate,

You were beyond.

Your destiny now encompassed by the universe,

Among the stars---

It lay unwritten.


Maa Dearest


It's Been A Beautiful Fight